Starfish Reviews 1.3 is Here with New Positive/Negative Icons & Submitter Info Fields!

by | Apr 12, 2018 | Starfish News, Version Releases | 0 comments

We’ve pushed out version 1.3 of Starfish Reviews! With each new version I get more and more excited about this plugin and what it can do for you and your clients. This version has a number of new features I’m excited about.

New Positive & Negative Reaction Icons

You can now select other icons than just the basic thumbs up/down set we used to have. We’ve selected 3 other pairs from Font Awesome 5 and included them. There’s even a great little preview next to the dropdown where you select them, so you can instantly see what they’ll look like! This should allow for better flexibility across languages, cultures, and even different questions you might ask your potential reviewers.

Answer Buttons Style Starfish Reviews

Contact Info For Negative Feedback

One of our most frequent requests has been the ability to add additional fields to the Negative feedback form to capture contact information about the submitter. Not everyone wants to use our “id” feature in the URL, so now you can turn on up to 3 additional fields: Name, Email, and Phone number. You can also make each one required or optional, with just some checkboxes.

contact info fields for negative feedback starfish reviews

Change Text of Submit Buttons Individually

Along with this, you can now customize the text of the submit button for positive and negative answers separately. For positive answers, you might want to have the submit button say “Take Me to the Review Form.” While the negative answers could say, “Submit My Feedback.” It’s entirely up to you, since you can put whatever you want in there.

Set a Logo for Funnels

Another frequent request is the ability to add a logo at the top of funnels, to help remind the person giving feedback what business, product, or service they’re being asked about. So we added it! Logos work just like a “featured image” on a normal WordPress post. So you’ll see a new meta box called “Funnel Logo” where you can set an image just like you would on a normal post. These are limited to a certain height so they don’t get too tall and push the funnel down too far. We want to keep everything on-screen on phones, as much as possible. This helps maximize conversions.

funnel logo image starfish reviews

Version 1.3 should be available for update on your sites, as I post this. You can check the changelog for the full list of fixes and features.

Coming Soon

My intention was to make this post quite short. For version 1.2 I just highlighted a few features and then linked to the changelog. I’d intended to do that here as well, but I like all of these features so much, I couldn’t help but keep adding sections with more info. Since I’m on a roll, here’s a few exciting things you can expect in 1.4:

Multiple Destinations

Anas—the excellent developer who’s coding skills turn my crazy ideas, and your excellent feature requests, into reality—has already made great progress on multiple destinations for each funnel. This will allow you to display buttons so reviewers can select where they’d like to leave a review. Buttons for the common destinations such as Facebook, Google, Yelp, etc, will be included, also using Font Awesome 5 icons like the positive/negative buttons. You’ll also be able to upload your own images to cover less-common destinations.


We’re also going to include translations into a number of languages in one of our next releases. We have a special discount for anyone wanting to provide translation services into a language that we don’t already have a translator for. So if you’d like to translate the plugin into your native language, contact me and I can provide more details.



Hi, I'm Tevya! I wrote this post. I also created Starfish Reviews. I'm always looking for ways to help small businesses and WordPress professionals. Right now, I'm most excited about Starfish Reviews and online reputation management. Feel free to connect with me on social media, or email me.

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